09/01/2017 - China IPR SME Helpdesk Webinar : "Europe vs. China: What are the Main Differences in IP Protection?"
On Wednesday, 18 January 2017, you are welcome to join Helpdesk expert Ms. Alessandra Chies for a China IPR SME Helpdesk webinar session "Europe vs. China: What are the Main Differences in IP Protection?". Ms. Chies will give an overview to European SMEs about the main differences between European Union and China in IP registration, protection and enforcement, covering IPR Issues such as:
A comprehensive overview on differences in trade mark, copyright, patent and design patent protection;
How to enforce IP rights in China, what is different from Europe;
Practical tips on how to create a robust IP protection strategy in China;
Practical case studies of European SMEs experiencing and overcoming IP issues in China.
This free of charge web-based seminar is composed of a 45-minute expert presentation, where Ms. Chies will take you through a range of simple, cost-effective measures to protect your company against IP infringements in China. This will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A session where all our participants can pose questions to the expert.
Language: English
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