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Governo Italiano
Governo Italiano


(08/01/2018 - 10/01/2018) - Hong Kong International Licensing Show

The booming and affluent Asian consumer has become more brand conscious than ever. It provides an unmatched opportunity to brands owners, licensing agents, manufacturers, traders and retailers for extending their brands, expanding their markets, upgrading their services and merchandises through licensing. Professional services suppliers are benefited through the IP-trading activities involved in licensing. The HKTDC The Hong Kong International Licensing Show (HKILS) - 2nd largest show of its kind in the world and the largest in Asia, is an effective marketing platform for you to capitalise on the fastest growing Asian licensing opportunity.


Tel.: +852-1830-668
Fax: +852-2824-0249
E-mail: licensingshow@hktdc.org

^Elenco attivita_promozionali^